List actions / Automation

In some situations, you may want an action to happen automatically when a task is moved to a specific list. This is where list actions come in handy! This is a Pro⭐️ feature 

Using list actions

To use the " List Actions" option, click on the three dots "..." on the right top side of your list, and from the " List Options" menu, select "List Actions"

List Actions use cases

1. Move Card: You may want to split your project into different projects but connect them. In this case, you can create a list "Move to project B" and another one "Move to project C" and add the appropriate move to action to each one. This way when you drop a card in there it will automatically move to the specified project. 

2. Assign or unassign: You may want when a card is moved to a list someone to be assigned to that card (or unassigned)

3. Change card status: You can create a list of review tasks in a non-pipeline project simply by making all cards moved in this list to be changed to "in review" status. 

4. Start or stop timer: You can create an "in progress" list and you can make it so tasks dropped in this list automatically start time tracking. Don't forget to add a stop timer action on the next and previous list. 

5.  Add or remove labels: You can add or remove labels to all the new cards you add to this list 

6.  Set or remove due date: You can set or remove a due date all the new cards you add to this list 

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