Creating your first project
A project is a collection of lists and cards. You can create a project to organize almost anything. Most often is work that needs to be done, but Ora is not limited to tasks, you can make lists and boards with different things without any restrictions.
Creating your first project!
1. Click on the "+" icon on the left top corner of your screen and select ' New Project'
2. Choose between 'Choose from template', 'Continue without template' or 'Import from'

4. Upload or choose a cool picture for your project. (optional)

5. Great! You created a project. Now it's time to add some lists. You have full freedom over what you are going to put on those lists. So it's up to you to decide what they are going to be. You can name your lists, and you can also choose a color for the lists.
Lists in Ora have a state – Open, Closed, Review and Frozen. Generally, if you follow a Pipeline Workflow and you move tasks from one list to another, then tasks will also change their states when they go to the other list. You can determine to which state will the task go when moved to a specific list. Let's say you name your lists Todo, In Review, and Done. Then you will set the tasks on the "Done" list to mean the task is in the closed state.

6. Now it's time to customize your project, select your privacy, visibility and permissions settings, enable the Add On's you need, and add the integrations you need. Go to Project Settings and then navigate to Preferences, Add On's and Integrations

7. Finally, don't forget to add your teammates in Project Settings > Members

Now you are all set to start adding tasks to your lists and to be more productive than ever!! Congrats!!!